
Dunn’s Civics > Home Economics

Food, Nutrition, & Wellness

This is the Wikipedia definition of the home economics curriculum:

“The content of Home Economics comes from the synthesis of multiple disciplines. This interdisciplinary knowledge is essential because the phenomena and challenges of everyday life are not typically one-dimensional. The content of home economics courses varies, but might include: food, nutrition, and health; personal finance; family resource management; textiles and clothing; shelter and housing; consumerism and consumer science; household management; design and technology; food science and hospitality; human development and family studies; education and community services, among others. The capacity to draw from such disciplinary diversity is a strength of the profession, allowing for the development of specific interpretations of the field, as relevant to the context.”

Can you identify the authorities who have replaced Home Economics teachers and mothers and fathers in imparting this education to young people? The advertisers, the credit card companies, the banks, the fast food providers, the lobbyists... Read More >>

Watch Robyn O'Brien at TEDxAustin 2011

Robyn shares her personal story and how it inspired her current path as a "Real Food" evangelist. Grounded in a successful Wall Street career that was more interested in food as good business than good-for-you, this mother of four was shaken awake by the dangerous allergic reaction of one of her children to a "typical" breakfast.


Ellen Henrietta Swallow Richards (Left)
(December 3, 1842 – March 30, 1911) was the foremost  environmental chemist in the U.S. in the 19th century, pioneering the field of home economics.

ElizabethWarren (Right)
is the foremost advocate for “government for the people, by the people, of the people” in modern America.
Warren was listed by Time Magazine as one of the 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL People in the World

Professor Warren organized the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Read More >>